Leitchfield Police Department
515B South Main Street
Leitchfield, KY 42754
Emergency: 911
Office / Records: 270-259-3850
Non-Emergency: 270-259-0303

Chief of Police

About Us
The Leitchfield Police Department consists of 19 sworn officers including 2 School Resource Officers, 1 Detective, 1 drug task force Detective and 1 secretarial staff. In 2022, LPD was awarded accreditation for a fourth time since 2006 through the Kentucky Association of Chiefs of Police. In 2024 LPD received a 100% score for Safety and Liability Review from the Kentucky League of Cities.
Core Values
Integrity: We hold ourselves accountable to the highest level of honesty, truthfulness and ethical conduct. We are role models for the community.
Pride: We take pride in ourselves as individuals and our department as a team.
Respect: We will ensure that all people are treated with equality, dignity and courtesy.
Professionalism: We are committed to the highest level of professional standards through development of highly trained and motivated employees.
Leitchfield Police Dept Staff

Police Dept F.A.Q’s
Can I drop off Expired Medications?
The Leitchfield Police Department has a permanent drop off location for unused or expired medications. The drop off location is the lobby of the police department which is accessible 24/7.
Does the Police Department offer fingerprinting?
Yes, we provide a fingerprinting service for the public. Fingerprinting is required by some employers as part of background checks prior to employment. Please bring your fingerprint card to Police Department that was provided by your employer between the hours of Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m-4:00p.m. There is a $5 administrative charge for each set of fingerprints.
How do I request a public record?
To make an Open Records Request to the Leitchfield Police Department, you must submit a written request to the Official Custodian of Records. Sign the request, print your name, and describe the records (be specific, i.e., name, date, location) you wish to inspect or obtain copies of. Please include your address and phone number. Mail, email, fax, or hand deliver your request to the Leitchfield Police Department Custodian of Records at the following address:
Leitchfield Police Department
515 B South Main St.
Leitchfield, KY 42754
Phone: 270-259-3850
Fax: 270-200-1483
Hours: Monday-Friday 8:00AM-4:00PM
Individuals submitting an open records request may utilize this Open Records Request form.
What is the Kentucky Open Records Act (KORA)?
The Kentucky Open Records Act (KRS 61.870 to KRS 61.884), or KORA, provides access to public records that, by law, are not exempt from disclosure. For more information on the Act, visit the Kentucky Office of the Attorney General Web site at https://www.ag.ky.gov/Contact-Us/Pages/Open-Records-Requests.aspx
What are Public Records?
Public records are those materials prepared, owned, used, possessed, maintained, or retained by state and local government agencies that must be open for public inspection unless the records are excluded by any of the 14 exemptions in the Kentucky Open Records Act. Public agencies are not required to compile information or to answer questions but to provide only specific records responsive to a request. For more information on the 14 exemptions and other KORA information, visit the Kentucky Office of the Attorney General Website at https://www.ag.ky.gov/Contact-Us/Pages/Open-Records-Requests.aspx
What is the timeframe for a response to my open records request?
KRS 61.880 (1) governs agency response time. In relevant part, KRS 61.880 (1) provides: “Each public agency, upon any request for records made under KRS 61.870 to 61.884, shall determine within five (5) days, excepting Saturdays, Sundays, and legal holidays, after the receipt of any such request whether to comply with the request and shall notify in writing the person making the request, within the five (5) day period of its decision.”
How do I obtain a copy of an accident report?
An authorized person may obtain a copy of a collision report in person or by written mailed request. All written requests made to the Leitchfield Police Department must include a self-addressed and stamped envelope.
Cost per collision report is $2(check or money order payable to Leitchfield Police Department)
KRS 189.635 governs access to accident reports. See https://apps.legislature.ky.gov/law/statutes/statute.aspx?id=49053. Pursuant to KRS 189.635(5)(b), accident reports and the information contained therein shall be confidential and exempt from disclosure under the Open Records Act with limited exceptions. KRS 189.635(5)(c) provides that accident reports shall be made available to the following individuals:
1. The parties to the accident.
2. The parents or guardians of a minor who is party to the accident.
3. Insurers or their written designee for insurance business purposes of any party who is the subject of the report.
4. The attorneys of the parties to the accident. Accident reports can also be obtained from https://www.buycrash.com.
You may also send a written request to the Official Custodian of Records for a copy of the report via U.S. mail, e-mail, facsimile, or hand-delivery, as explained above.
Accident reports cannot be faxed.
What is the Motorcycle Helmet Law?
KRS 189.285 Regulations for Operating and Riding on Motorcycles
(3) The following persons shall be required to wear protective headgear, in the manner prescribed by the secretary of the Transportation Cabinet, at all times the motorcycles they are riding are in motion on a public highway:
(a) A person under the age of twenty-one (21) years who is operating a motorcycle or who is a passenger on a motorcycle or in a sidecar attachment;
(b) A person who possesses a motorcycle instruction permit and who is operating a motorcycle;
(c) A person who has held a valid motorcycle operator’s license, or combination motor vehicle-motorcycle operator’s license, for less than one (1) year and who is operating a motorcycle.